Tuesday, 1 December 2009

What a Girl Want?

My hubby is currently on business trip to US. Well, Colorado Spring to be exact. Lots of people to came to know about this, kept saying "wah! he went at a very good time". Reasons being it's the sales season. Few sales are ongoing continuously, Black Friday sales, Thanksgiving sales, Christmas sales... Furthermore, his convoy purposely made the trip so that they had at least 3 days free over there to do shopping!

Before he went over, I told him no need to buy so many things back. Just buy one nice top for me and some baby clothes for William will do. The conversion rate is not that cheap. But then... he had shown thru video-call that he had bought lots of things for me. He said that the sales there are gila-gila, and super cheap. Discounts on top of discounts. Each time on the video-call with him, I kept telling him "don't buy already, it's more than enough and do not overspent". But in my heart, I was soooooo excited. Can't wait for him to come back next week to get hold of all the things he bought for me. I guess this again proofs that what a girl says and think are totally different thing.


2xMum said...

Hahah! Indeed true huh?

Anyway, you're so lucky that your hubby bought more that what you've requested... wei...envy lah :)

babygirl said...

Well, wait till his credit card bill comes in. Then we'll see if he'll start complaining...