Sunday 26 October 2008

Extra 16 Kg

In total now, I've gained additional 16kg for throughout my pregnancy. However, according to the doctor, the baby is currently estimated as 2.7kg only inside my tummy during checkup yesterday. Ahh... with so much excess, even my fingers and toes as swelling. My husband is having a good time calling me funny names at this moment ;)

Even though the due date is next month, the doctor says it could come out anytime soon. In fact I did fell some minor contractions for the past few days.

Friday 24 October 2008

Recycling & Charity

We received an email recently stating that the Silver Jubilee Home for Old Aged is short of rice to eat, and is asking for the public to donate some rice over. Thus, my husband and I decided to donate some bags of rice and made a phone call to inquiry when is the best time to deliver the things over. However, the person on the phone answered that the article was 2 months ago and that they had plenty of rice instead. But they are short of other household materials such as detergent, cleaning products, cereals, cooking materials etc. We already went shopping for these items and will pass over to the centre this weekend. Note that they do issue receipts for item received which you can used for income tax exemption.

Also, while preparing for the baby's arrival, we've packed many old stuffs that need to be thrown away such as books, magazines, old computer parts, bottles etc. But since most of these items can be recycled, we've arranged for Eden Handicap Service Centre for collection instead. These items will be donated to them for recycling purposes, thus you'll be doing some help to the environment as well. For those who are interested to donate their old stuffs away for recycling, you may call 04 - 644 2912 and look for Ms Peggy. They'll come to pickup the items at your preferred location and time.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

New Baby Girl

My sister just gave birth to a healthy baby girl, weight as 3.2kg this morning. Hoho... it seems that it's a Hari Raya baby as well. I wonder whether the hospital will give something nice since it is Raya celebration as well. Better checkout the newspaper also to see whether this is also reported :P