Saturday 21 March 2009

Ang Mo Koay Teow

Since the knee operation, my mother in law do not have any appetite to eat anything at all. We need to force her eat during each meal in order for her to gain back her energy and for her body to replenish her blood loss. We suspect it could be due to the medicine that had been prescribed to her.

Due to her appetite loss, I decided to make something light and simple for her to eat. All these while she does not fancy pasta as I usually makes it creamy to my hubby's liking. To make her interested into eating pasta, we called this "Ang Mo Koay Teow" and purposely bought fettucini for this meal. For me, I think I will call this Aglio Broccoli Fettucini :)

Lots and lots of garlic, some broccoli, grated parmesan cheese, sliced chicken meat, some olive oil, 1/2 of chicken stock cube and some salt. Oh... don't forget fettucini lah...

Step 1: Cook the pasta as per packaging instruction. Drain the pasta but save some of the water for later.

Step 2: Heat some olive oil and add in garlic. Once you smell the sweet garlic fragrance, add in broccoli.

Step 3: Once broccoli is almost cook, add in the chicken meat and chicken stock cube. Pour some of the pasta water that you have saved earlier to simmer all the added ingredients.

Step 4: Once all the ingredients are cooked, add in the drain pasta and stir well. If there is not enough olive oil to cover the pasta, add in more olive oil and keep stirring. Make sure the pasta are all properly covered with the olive oil.

Step 5: Serve onto plate and sprinkle with some grated parmesan cheese. You can add some salt to taste if you prefer it to be more salty. Another option is to add in the chili flakes or pasta garnishing if you want more spice and herbs.

My mother in law quite like the taste and manage to finish it all :P

As for my husband, I kept some of the cooked ingredients aside b4 adding the pasta and do the creamy version for him.

Friday 20 March 2009

4 Months Now

My William is now 4 months of age already. Time sure flies quickly when you have a child to take care of. But he still look super small in my eyes. I still breastfeed exclusively though occasionally do feed him with formula when I leave him with my mother overnight whenever I travel outstation.

As of now, William can already turn and take his head up high. He also makes funny "emmk emmk" sound whenever he poo poo on his little potty (yes, we potty trained him already!!). Yesterday he manage to wave his hand "bye bye" to his grandma and cousin brothers when I fetch him home from my mother's place. He still drools alot and enjoy sucking his hand and fingers with "choc-choc" sound. Due to that, he's now famously known as "Choc-ky" whenever his daddy is around. Versions of his "Choc-ky" nicknames are:
1. "cowboy choc-ky" when he rides on his daddy's tummy.

2. "pilot choc-ky" when he sits on his baby-walker

3. "ninja choc-ky" when his daddy takes him on mimicking ninja jump

4. "super choc-ky" when we hold him up high and he stiffen his body flat like flying

Pilot Choc-ky on the job

He's currently learning to hold his own bottle. But most of the time he can't control his hand ending up pushing or popping the bottle away. His favourite past time now is blowing his wet lips, making noisy "brrrr brrrr" sound.

As for me, I'm losing hair like there's no tomorrow. Strands of my hair are everywhere. I think it is enough to make a new wig. Just hope that I won't become bald. Another thing to add is that baby likes to surpise you with their funny antics and they changed their habits very fast. The moment you are familar with their habit or trends, they changed and you have to relearn it again.

Thursday 19 March 2009

Weak in Knee, Weak in Pocket

My mother in law just have a total knee replacement surgery last friday. Even though she had been discharged, she still needs assistance to get around the house as the prescribe medicine are still making her drowsy and weak. Her knee had not been completely healed yet too. According to the doctor, on average it will take about 1 week to recover.

Good news is that after the surgery, she does not feel any pain when walking around so I would say the surgery is a success. The bad news is that she does not have any hospitalization insurance. Even if she wanted to get one now, she already passed the final enrollment age (60 years of age that is for those who don't know). The bill itself almost reached 14K. From the itemised billing, hospitals are bloodsuckers. This burned a very big hole in our pocket. Another bad news is that I can't even buy hospitalization insurance for my parents as well it they also passed the final enrollment age :(