Friday 20 March 2009

4 Months Now

My William is now 4 months of age already. Time sure flies quickly when you have a child to take care of. But he still look super small in my eyes. I still breastfeed exclusively though occasionally do feed him with formula when I leave him with my mother overnight whenever I travel outstation.

As of now, William can already turn and take his head up high. He also makes funny "emmk emmk" sound whenever he poo poo on his little potty (yes, we potty trained him already!!). Yesterday he manage to wave his hand "bye bye" to his grandma and cousin brothers when I fetch him home from my mother's place. He still drools alot and enjoy sucking his hand and fingers with "choc-choc" sound. Due to that, he's now famously known as "Choc-ky" whenever his daddy is around. Versions of his "Choc-ky" nicknames are:
1. "cowboy choc-ky" when he rides on his daddy's tummy.

2. "pilot choc-ky" when he sits on his baby-walker

3. "ninja choc-ky" when his daddy takes him on mimicking ninja jump

4. "super choc-ky" when we hold him up high and he stiffen his body flat like flying

Pilot Choc-ky on the job

He's currently learning to hold his own bottle. But most of the time he can't control his hand ending up pushing or popping the bottle away. His favourite past time now is blowing his wet lips, making noisy "brrrr brrrr" sound.

As for me, I'm losing hair like there's no tomorrow. Strands of my hair are everywhere. I think it is enough to make a new wig. Just hope that I won't become bald. Another thing to add is that baby likes to surpise you with their funny antics and they changed their habits very fast. The moment you are familar with their habit or trends, they changed and you have to relearn it again.

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