Tuesday 3 February 2009

Thick Face for Ang Pow

I would say all children and some single adults are eager to receive ang pow during cny since sometimes it could sum up to quite large amount of extra spending $$. However, for the past few years, I notice a lot of public workers asking for ang pow as well, regardless whether they are already married. From their faces, you will certainly know that they are married.

The most common public worker asking for ang pow is the garbage collector. Now they would get lots of ang pow as they will ask from every chinese household that they passed by to collect garbage. When I was still staying at my parents house, the garbage collector still have the decency to only ask for ang pow by only coming during his offday and even gave 1 oranges to every household. But now they will simply ask for it, and will not leave until you gave them. This year, several garbage collectors came to our house for ang pow and we notice is due to they from different garbage truck. I wonder what would happen if we insist not giving them any.

Today I heard from my in-law saying that now even the postman are asking for ang pow. Now they are already getting paid for doing what they are supposed to do, and is it right for them to ask for ang pow from every household they passed by? Are they doing the same thing during Hari Raya or Deepavali? Luckily this still have not spread to our rotiman, newspaper man etc...

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