Monday 2 February 2009

And Then It Came Back

I've been experiencing dry season for the past few weeks lately when expressing breast milk for my baby to drink. Previously from 4-5 ounces to merely 1-3 ounces. I even drank more liquid than normal but it does not help. I'm not sure why but my baby also does not seem to have same appetite as last time. He was able to finish 4.5 ounces each time during his feed, but recently he stopped after 2-3 ounces. Perhaps he knows mommy not able to produce enough recently :(.

Anyway, to prevent the milk supply from diminishing after trying for 2 weeks, I went to buy Fenugreek which supposed to help increase its production. I bought it for RM50.30 from GNC after 20% discount from credit card promotion (the original price is RM62.90). But before I manage to consume any of it, my milk supply came back as normal. However my baby's appetite still have not recovered much but at least he is now able to finish up his previous intake in certain feed. I just hope that he won't lost much weight from all of these.

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