Monday 4 August 2008

4D Scan

Last Saturday I went to the hospital to undergo my normal monthly checkup of my pregnancy. One of the scheduled item for the checkup was 4D scan, though they did not reveal how much it will cost me later on.

The 4D scan consists of 2 monitors, one so that the mother can view it while lying down on the bed and another which is attached to the machine controller is for the doctor's usage. My husband was so interested in the machine that he stood there beside the doctor to see what he is doing the whole session. This trip, we brought along my mother-in-law so that she can see how the baby looks like.

First, the doctor will zoom to see the baby's heart and monitor the heartbeat, and we could hear it very clear from the machine as well. From there the doctor further explained the organs that had developed as well. The baby is kicking the whole time during the session. We can even see the baby yawn inside my tummy.

After the routine checkup, we moved on to see the baby's face, but the baby was so shy that it kept blocking the face with both hands. The doctor then gently tabbed on my tummy in effort to make the baby move its hands away. When the baby finally did, everyone in the room knew that the baby looked exactly like my husband from the first glance due to its nose.

1 comment:

Vincent said...

I thought u kena 4D
then buy me a dinner