Monday 27 July 2009

William @ 8 Months

Time sure flies very fast, in a blink of an eye, 8 months had passed. In between, he had fever 3 times with him hospitalised during the last fever which he had last week. That fever lasted for 5 days, with a high over 39 degreeC for few days.

His recent medical checkup reveals he's now at 9.1kg and 71cm of length. I still breastfeed him directly, though he will bit me at times when he is cheeky. My tolerance level when babywearing him is not as good compared to few weeks back as he is getting heavier. At times I wish he would grow up slower as I want to wear him longer. I've bought myself a new ring and attached it to a piece of cloth that I bought from Kamdar. Wearing him using that newly DIY sling is much more easier and flexible compared to the baby sling that I bought previously. It does comes handy especially when he was sick and want to be held all the time. He sleeps more easily in the sling too.

Hmm... what else to mention? Oh! He can crawl now and is learning to stand up on his own. Last night he managed to pull himself up standing straight a few times, but still can't figure out very well how to sit back properly. He now have 2 tiny teeth popping out from his lower gum and prefers porridge to cereal and biscuits. Also I'm trying to wean him off from bottle by giving him a sippy cup to drink water from, and hopefully he is able to feed himself next month. There are others that protested not letting him to feed himself yet, but I'll give it a try still. I can see that he is trying to do that when I feed him by grabbing my spoon and shove it into his mouth from his tiny hands, though the coordination is off :P

He also likes to throw things around and teaching him to put back his things now is hopeless. Telling him 'No' is also pointless. He will just look at the thing, look at you, smile, look back at the thing and just do the things he not supposed to do. I'm taking him for a studio photograph session soon and is looking for some cute outfits for him to wear on that session. Just can't wait to see how the phototaking session will be like.

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