Friday 12 October 2007


Some people would stay away from these type of shows. But then everyone need a good cry once awhile, at least this is what I believe in order to appreciate what we have in life. However, i only have 2 drama in collection that basically had me crying through the whole show: God, Give me more time and One litre of Tears. Most people had watched these dramas before. I only manage to watch it a year back though it had been released for many years already. I watched these 2 dramas back-to-back for 2 weeks, and everyone at the office was wondering why my eye was so red the next morning. Just so happen i was in the mode of watching tearjerker after so many months of not watching any show of such genre. The most that i had was few drops (barely noticeable) from watching animes cause you will most probably laugh the next few moments.

One litre of Tears actually makes me cry more than God, Give me more time. The former drama was based on actual life story. You can even see her real-life photo and extract of her diary at the end of each episode. There's book of the same title available in bookstores as well. The story is so engaging that i spent the whole day of my medical leave watching the whole series (i really did get sick!!)

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