Tuesday 25 September 2007

Change of HairStyle

I had kept my hair long for many years already. I think the last hair-cut i got was more than 1/2 year ago, where i just snipped a few inches off. For the past few weeks, my hair had been bugging me cos it was too long. Whenever i sit or sleep, my hair surely caught into something (usually is the gap between the chair's joint section), causing me unable to get up properly as it was pulling my head instead. When i tied my hair into a bun, it felt so heavy and my stupid hair-band cannot even hold it for too long. I even had to separate my hair into 3 parts each time i washed it.


While working at office last Wednesday, I made a sudden decision to change my hairstyle. I told everyone at my office that I will be taking leave in the afternoon, and asked one of my colleague to take a snapshot of my hair as a momento. After lunch, I walked to hair saloon at Queensbay mall to "treat" my hair. Even the hairstylist complaint i had too much hair. Perhaps that's why they were charging me quite a sum for the total change. Till now, i have not got used to the "new" look yet (about 4 inches shorter, and from straight to curl). My hubby kept saying "No comment" whenever i asked him about it. Perhaps I'll wait for few more weeks to see whether this is really suitable for my look.


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